Beberapa tahun lagi kalo
baca blog ini pasti malu. Isinya cerita alay semua -_-
Recently there
were so much unpredictable story.
Before we
know more about someone's weakness, everything lasting better commonly.
Something that looks fake, its probably fake.
Emang bagusnya
segitu, pas nya segitu. Kalo ditambah tambahin lagi, jadi berlebihan, jadi ngga
bagus. Sama kayak lagi makan. Coba deh pas makan enak, karena enak jadi pengen
nambah lagi, tapi pas makan kedua kalinya, rasanya ngga kayak yang pertama. Jadi
emang pasnya segitu. Ya diterima segitu aja.
Im not
dare to find out more about it, because I’m afraid of getting hurt after
knowing the truth #eeaaaa. Trust is like a paper, once it crumpled it can’t be
perfect again. There’s nothing wrong in making mistakes, what’s wrong is
letting it stay as a mistake. Oo aku puitis sekali -_-
2 weeks left. The time goes faster, and even faster when we have to left something that we love. Hmmmm. 2 week left, and after that I have to finish my final exam in high school. Trust me, 3 years isn’t a long time. High school changes people. Some for the better, some for the worse. But if something is true, we will find who our true friend are. Strong enough to let this go, and be patient enough to waiting what we deserve. What I deserve is I want to be happy. No no , I’m already happy. I want to keep this happiness.
Tell me what’s the different between complaining and honest ?
Sometimes when I do complaining, because I’m honest with my real feeling.
Complaining in a right way, is doesn’t matter. Share your problem, so you won’t feel it alone. But this is causing complaining getting contagious. Actually complaining won't finishing anything. So what I ought to do ? keep complaining ? or what ? or just let this problem go. This isn’t that important yuhuu ~
Masih mikirin
nanti setelah libur UN mesti ngapain -_-
The problem
isn’t at creating a beautiful plans, but how to make that beautiful plans come
true lalalalala. Masalah utama sih uang. SMA itu emang punya waktu, punya banyak temen, tapi ngga punya uang. Nanti kalo udah kerja, punya uang punya
temen, tapi ga ada waktu. Hidup adil kan….
nanti libur UN disuruh kursus make up ? -_-
Iyaa engga
masalah sih kursus make up, tapi kan kan kan hmmm…
Nanti sekelasnya
sama ibu2 gitu ? ngga juga sih. Emang kursus senam ibu hamil ? -_- tuhkan aku
monolog. Makanya ajak aku ngomong. Kamu kacangin aku sihhh #eaa #kode #eaa
#tagtag #eaaa
Tuhkan blog ini emang bikin aku alay dan jablay ! males ah ! tapi
kalo beneran kaya gitu gimana ? yee engga dong. Kalo iyaa ? apasih kok maksa !!
Maaf tadi kerasukan. Bye!
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